Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: Pon 8:20, 26 Mar 2007    Temat postu:

Nicole Kidman Blowjob!
PostWysłany: Pon 14:30, 19 Cze 2006    Temat postu: jak zrobic acc maker i ots

Pierw sciongamy jakiegos ots ja polecam Yourots.Ale rubcie jak hcecie.
1.Robimy tak otwieramy plik Conflcu i mamty cos takiego. Razz

-- datadir
datadir = "data/"-Zostawiamy!

-- sets what map to load
map = "data/world/Spartakos.otbm"-Zostawiamy
-- OTBM for binary, SQL for SQL map, XML for OTX maps
mapkind = "OTBM"

-- SQL for acc/player info from SQL, XML for acc/player info from XML-Zostawiamy
sourcedata = "XML"-Zostawiamy

-- the message the player gets when he logs in
loginmsg = "Witam Razz"-tu robimy co sie ma pokazac playerom jak sie zalogujesz.
-- the port otserv listens on
port = "7171"-Zostawiamy

-- name of our server
servername = "OtsTwardzieli"-nazwa Twojego ots

-- name of the owner of our server
ownername = "DeVoN SiX"-Zostawiamy

-- email of the owner of our server
owneremail = ""
to swuj adres emila.
-- the url for more server info-Zostawiamy
url = ""

-- the location of the server
location = "Poland"
-- the ip the server should redirect too
ip = ""-Tu wpisujemy swuj ip

-- The messagebox you sometimes get before you choose characters
motd = "siemanko zycze miolej gry"tu Wpisujemy co sie ma pokazac przed zalogowaniem
-- use md5 passwords for accounts, yes/no
md5passwords = "no"
-- world type. options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "no-pvp"Tu wpisujemy czy serv pvp czy nie pvp

-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "28" -Zostawiamy

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1sec)
exhausted = 2000

-- exhaustion time for healing spells (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedheal = 1000

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedadd = 300

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1sec)
pzlocked = 10*1000

-- allow multiple logins of the same char
allowclones = 0-Zostawiamy

-- vocation names
vocations = {"a Sorcek", "a Druidek", "a Paladyn", "a Rycerz"}
promoted_vocations = {"a master sorcerer", "an elder druid", "a royal paladin", "an elite knight"}
Zostawiamy jusz wszystko

--- SQL part
sql_host = "localhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""
sql_db = "otserv"

--- SQL MAP part
sqlmap = "test_map"
map_host = "localhost"
map_user = "root"
map_pass = ""
map_db = ""

Teraz wszystko swojego ots na dys:C. Wink

3.Teraz acc maker.Sciongamy web servera.Instalujemy domyslnie. jak zainstalujemy na dyskuc :c to whodzimy,Do folderu httpw czy cso takiego i usuwamy wszystko z niego i wklejamy tam swuj acc.Zaglondamy do Confilca o wszystko ustawiamy.jak cos muj nr gg 6998586 Smile Zycze milego poradnioka Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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